『Sophie Bille Brahe Flacon de Neige Stud Earring』はセカイモンでlerbemtdから出品され、64の入札を集めて12月30日 17時 53分に、159520円で落札されました。即決価格は159520円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Type:B011 / Format size: Di III
Mount Thread Size::Sony E-mount (NEX)
Minimum Focusing Distance::19.6 inches (throughout zoom range)
Focal length::18-200mm
Objective lens diameter::?2.67''
Maximum Aperture:F/3.5-6.3
Minimum Aperture:F/22 - 40
Angle of View:16.2 oz.8° 03'
Lens Construction:17 elements in 13 groups
Maximum Magnification Ratio:1:3.7 (at f=200mm: MFD 19.6 in.)
Filter Diameter:?62mm
Overall Length:3.8''
Diaphragm Blades:7
Standard Accessory:Flower-shaped lens hood
Weight::16.2 oz.
・Compact and light weight for easy shooting
・Stylish premium-grade exterior design
・A variety of different photography is now possible with just one lens
・VC anti-shake mechanism for steady shooting
・New AF and VC mechanisms for more comfortable shooting
・Special glass elements used to correct aberrations
・Colors:Black and Silver
・28-300mm 35mm-equivalent focal length
・*Tamron uses 1.55X as an average conversion to full frame
・ Note:This lens cannot be used with digital SLR cameras with built-in mirrorbox or conventional 35mm film SLR cameras
&bull The Tamron high-power all-in-one zoom lens is designed for the Sony NEX (E-mount) series of interchangeable-lens lightweight and compact digital cameras. Tamron the zoom lens pioneer brings 19 years of high-power zoom lens development technologies to this product.
&bull With the 18-200mm Di III VC (Model B011) Tamron has created a high-power all-in-1 zoom lens that is compact and lightweight featuring a 62mm filter and weighing only 16.2 oz. while at the same time delivering superlative image quality.
&bull This compact size lets users easily shoot across an extended range from wide-angle to full telephoto with just one lens. The focal length coverage is 18-200mm. Converted to the coverage of the 35mm format this is equivalent to a range of 27mm wide-angle up to 300mm full telephoto.
&bull This allows the user to easily take wideangle shots of expansive landscapes and powerful telephoto images that enlarge the details of distant subjects-all with 1 lens. In addition by setting the lens at the telephoto end (200mm) and moving in to the minimum focus distance of 19.6'' flower petals jewelry and other small objects can be shot as expanded close-ups.
&bull Compact and lightweight: The high-power 18-200mm all-in-one lens is a lightweight and compact zoom weighing 16.2 oz. with a 62mm filter designed for exclusive use on the E-mount lens system on Sony's NEX series mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras.
&bull Built-in stabilization enables easyhand held shooting from 18mm wide angle to 200mm full telephoto Equipped with Tamron's acclaimed VC (Vibration Compensation) and thanks to its light weight and compact size this lens allows easy handheld shooting of sharp images with no camera shake over a wide range of settings from everyday snapshots to memorable travel scenes.
&bull Stepping motor adopted for the AF drive a construction that accommodates contrast-detection AF and shooting video: The AF drive has a stepping motor that is optimal for the Contrast-detection AF system employed by NEX series cameras. This also gives the drive a quieter operation which is ideal for shooting video in which voices are recorded. In addition ease of operation is enhanced with the Direct Manual Focus (DMF) function which allows the user to make fine manual adjustments after initially focusing by AF.
&bull Striking appearance worthy of the NEX series design: The metallic lens barrel exterior is available in two colors: black and silver. The B011's autofocus mechanism uses a stepping motor that is an ideal match for the Contrast-detection AF system used in Sony's NEX series cameras. The steppingmotor's actuator allows finely tuned control of angular rotation and since it drives the focusing mechanism directly without an intermediate reduction gear it also provides superbly quiet performance.
&bull Tamron's VC mechanism employs a three-coil system whereby three driving coils activate the shake-compensating VC lens group electromagnetically via three steel balls. The VC lens elements are held in place only by contact with the steel balls achieving smooth movement with little friction. This provides a stable viewfinder image with excellent tracking performance that eliminates the blur from handheld shots for cleaner crisper shots.
&bull Tamron's conventional VC (Vibration Compensation) unit has a moving magnet system with heavy magnets in the vibration-compensating lens. However the new VC mechanism adopts a lightweight moving coil system that reduces the load on the drive system. This allows the drive to be operated with smaller coils and magnets reducing the weight and size for the entire VC unit. In addition improvements to software and other elements of the VC mechanism used in the 18-200mm Di III VC have made the mechanism even quieter.
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