『クリスマス用プロジェクターランプ 2 in 1 ハロウィーン 屋外 モーションパターン 景観照明 HDエフェクト プロジェクションライト クリスマスデコレーション』はセカイモンでbmonvtwmから出品され、64の入札を集めて12月30日 17時 53分に、14420円で落札されました。即決価格は14420円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Hignに関係する化学物質:なし Hignに関係する化学物質:なし
機会:パーティー クリスマス 結婚式 ハロウィーン
起源:Cn (原点)
Origin:Mainland China
Chassis size:about 4*18*18 cm/1.57*7.09*7.09 inches
Distance:5-10 meters
Specifications:2*2 meters within 5 meters
Memory:128 megabytes
Display:2.4-inch HD screen
Halloween Christmas Projector:Christmas Halloween Window Projector Lamp
Halloween Window Projector:Halloween Projector
Mini Outdoor Halloween Projectors:Halloween Christmas LED Projection Lamp
Christmas Halloween Window Projector Lamp Built-in 12 Movies Halloween Projector for Christmas and Halloween Outdoor Decorations Feature: 1.Lifelike Experience: This Halloween Christmas projector brings the horror of Halloween to life with incredibly realistic holographic projections. The synchronized audio and animations create a truly terrifying and immersive experience. 2.Decorative Appeal: Enhance your home with the coolest and easiest-to-set-up decoration. This Christmas Halloween window projector lamp adds a fun and spooky atmosphere perfect for any festive occasion. 3.Easy Installation:Enjoy hassle-free setup with this outdoor holiday LED holographic projection lamp. No complicated installation is required just simply plug it in and start projecting your favorite scenes instantly. 4.Weather Resistant:Designed to withstand various weather conditions this Halloween Christmas LED projection lamp includes temperature protection. Its durable LED floodlight is rated for extended use ensuring long-lasting performance. 5.Versatile Application: Ideal for both Christmas and Halloween this Halloween projector can display stunning holiday movies on windows or projection screens making it a versatile addition to your festive decorations. Specification: Origin: Mainland China Size: 225.00x210.00x65.00mm/8.86x8.27x2.56inch Color: Black Material: ABS Chassis size: about 4*18*18 cm/1.57*7.09*7.09 inches Resolution: 320*240 Distance: 5-10 meters Specifications: 2*2 meters within 5 meters Memory: 128 megabytes Display: 2.4-inch HD screen Features: Easy installation lightweight and portable Description: Contains 12 short movies 6 Christmas movies 6 Halloween movies press the relevant icon key to switch movies Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-2cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. 1 x?Projector Lamp
機会:パーティー クリスマス 結婚式 ハロウィーン
起源:Cn (原点)
Origin:Mainland China
Chassis size:about 4*18*18 cm/1.57*7.09*7.09 inches
Distance:5-10 meters
Specifications:2*2 meters within 5 meters
Memory:128 megabytes
Display:2.4-inch HD screen
Halloween Christmas Projector:Christmas Halloween Window Projector Lamp
Halloween Window Projector:Halloween Projector
Mini Outdoor Halloween Projectors:Halloween Christmas LED Projection Lamp
Christmas Halloween Window Projector Lamp Built-in 12 Movies Halloween Projector for Christmas and Halloween Outdoor Decorations Feature: 1.Lifelike Experience: This Halloween Christmas projector brings the horror of Halloween to life with incredibly realistic holographic projections. The synchronized audio and animations create a truly terrifying and immersive experience. 2.Decorative Appeal: Enhance your home with the coolest and easiest-to-set-up decoration. This Christmas Halloween window projector lamp adds a fun and spooky atmosphere perfect for any festive occasion. 3.Easy Installation:Enjoy hassle-free setup with this outdoor holiday LED holographic projection lamp. No complicated installation is required just simply plug it in and start projecting your favorite scenes instantly. 4.Weather Resistant:Designed to withstand various weather conditions this Halloween Christmas LED projection lamp includes temperature protection. Its durable LED floodlight is rated for extended use ensuring long-lasting performance. 5.Versatile Application: Ideal for both Christmas and Halloween this Halloween projector can display stunning holiday movies on windows or projection screens making it a versatile addition to your festive decorations. Specification: Origin: Mainland China Size: 225.00x210.00x65.00mm/8.86x8.27x2.56inch Color: Black Material: ABS Chassis size: about 4*18*18 cm/1.57*7.09*7.09 inches Resolution: 320*240 Distance: 5-10 meters Specifications: 2*2 meters within 5 meters Memory: 128 megabytes Display: 2.4-inch HD screen Features: Easy installation lightweight and portable Description: Contains 12 short movies 6 Christmas movies 6 Halloween movies press the relevant icon key to switch movies Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-2cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. 1 x?Projector Lamp
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¥ 12,520